Prevent Rust, Mold, Mildew & Odors from Ruining Your Stored Patio Furniture, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Tools and Much More
There is no limit to where you can place Dri-It® pouches to protect your household items from the damage caused by excess moisture. Since you don't have to worry about pails of liquid and chemicals to spill, your possibilities are greatly expanded.
Here are some of the reported uses for Dri-It:
Around the Backyard & Workshop

- Place a Dri-It® pouch under the weatherproof covers protecting your cushioned patio furniture to keep mildew from developing on the cushions (also works on protecting the umbrella too!)
- A Dri-It® pouch placed inside the grill area on a covered BBQ grill will help protect the grill and other parts from rusting. While the exterior may be stainless steel and won't rust, the grill and other parts inside are usually not and can develop rust.
- If you have a riding lawn mower you keep covered
during the off-season, a couple pouches
of Dri-It® placed under the cover will help prevent mold or mildew from growing on the seat, and help prevent rust and corrosion from forming around the engine and other areas.
- Pouches of Dri-It® placed in storage sheds and workshops will help control the humidity level in these areas and protect your equipment and stored items from moisture problems. Please note: Dri-It works best the less air exchange there is through an area. If you can feel the wind blowing inside your shed, Dri-It will not be able to adequately do it's job. The best way then is to use Dri-It inside cabinets, boxes and other enclosed areas inside your shop or shed to provide the best protection to your tools and equipment.
- Dri-It® work great with any size toolbox. One pouch attached to the inside of the lid on your common hand-carried tool box will protect all your tools, while large, rolling tool chests and
truck tool boxes may require 2 - 3 pouches to provide good coverage to all areas. The adhesive sticky-back on the pouches allows them to be placed on the lid or sides of the toolbox where they will stay out of the way of being punctured or damaged by sharp tools.
As you can see, the uses for Dri-It® are only limited by your imagination.
Wherever you have moisture issues, from personal items and household goods to your vehicles and more, Dri-It® is often a good first choice for moisture removal and prevention of rust, mold, mildew and odors.
Let us know what uses you find for it!
The chart below provides a starting point for the number of pouches needed for different uses.
The ideal amount for your situation will vary depending on many factors, including your normal relative humidity levels.
Storage volume is based on 50 cu. ft. (an area 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 2 ft.).
Other Items and Places That Can Be Protected with Dri-It® |
Minimum Suggested Number of Pouches |
Covered Yard Equipment |
1-3 |
Covered BBQ Grill |
1 |
Golf Bag Help Protect that Investment from Rust Pitting |
1 |
Tool Box (small to medium) Help Keep Your Tools from Rusting |
1 |
Tool Chest or Cabinet (large) Without Applying an Oily Film |
2-3 |
Sports Bag (add extra if shoes also carried in bag) |
1 |
Fishing Tackle box |
1 |
Fishing Waders, Rubber Boots |
1 each |
Camping Gear - Tents, Sleeping Bags, Back Packs |
1-2 each enclosed item |
- You do not have to worry about over-drying with Dri-It, and you cannot put too many pouches in an area. Dri-It is designed to lower RH no lower than 30%. Extra pouches will simply share the moisture load and extend the time between changing pouches for new ones.
- When choosing a location to place the Dri-It® pouch, please consider the weight of a "full" pouch. A saturated pouch will weigh over ¾ of a pound! The adhesive on the pouch is designed to hold a full pouch for an extended period of time, however due to temperature fluctuations and other factors, primarily cleanliness of the mounting surface, the pouch may pull loose. This may happen before the pouch is completely saturated.
- If possible, we recommend checking on the pouch in 30 days and at 3 months and 6 months. In 30 days it will have absorbed it's largest percentage of initial moisture. If the pouch seems less than 50% full, the next checks should be at 3 – 6 months. However, if the pouch seems more than 50% full, you may want to check on it in another 30 days to be sure it has not become saturated.
- If you may not check on the pouch for six months or more, you should consider finding a flat surface to place the pouch on.
- The printed side of the Dri-It® pouch is the side where the moisture enters and is turned into a gel. Blocking this will reduce the effectiveness of the Dri-It material to absorb moisture.
- Occasionally there is a chemical reaction between the printing on the pouch and different surfaces. To avoid damaging paint, wallpaper or other surfaces, keep the printed side up. Do not place the printed side of the Dri-It? pouch in direct contact with metal.
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